Devotional ideas for moms

How to abide during the little years: Thoughts from a mom who is going through it too ❤

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Before I had kids, devotions looked basically the same every day. I would try sit down first thing in the morning with my Bible and notebook for x amount of uninterrupted time. After I had kids, I had a hard time shifting my mindset away from devotions having to be the same every day. Sadly, skipping devotions became more and more of a habit because I just couldn’t find that block of uninterrupted time like I used to have.

It’s taken almost 2 years to get into a better groove, but I’ve learned a lot of valuable lessons along the way. I really want to do motherhood well. I don’t want to put my spiritual life on pause during this season. I want to grow! And if you’ve been a mom for more then a week, then you’ll know that motherhood requires some supernatural patience that I believe can only be sustainable if it comes from the Lord. So let’s jump right in!

Let me just say that I know first hand that this season is really challenging at times, but it also holds such an opportunity for spiritual growth as we rely on the Lord to sustain us in this calling.

1. Get up before your kids, even if it’s just a few minutes

I will be the first to admit that this is hard. There will be certain days and various seasons where this may even not be realistic, especially in the newborn stage.

HOWEVER, I cannot get around the fact that getting up a bit before my kids to abide in the Word and in prayer drastically changes the outlook for my day. Even if I’ve been up in the night. The extra little bit of sleep is not worth it for me. I find my mindset is immediately off when I’m woken up by my child needing something, and then proceed to head straight into the day without having a few minutes to focus on the One who holds my days.

Now again, this is going to look different for everyone, especially depending on if you have some routine or not. Maybe your baby wakes up a bit before your toddler and you’re able to nurse them back to sleep. Fight the urge to go back to bed and use those few minutes to enjoy some quiet time with the Lord. If your kids have predictable wake up times then set your alarm even just 10-15 minutes before and read in bed (or on the couch if falling back asleep is an issue), to give yourself that time to wake up and set your perspective for the day.

Of course if you’re super keen and want to wake up at 5am to do devotions, meal prep, workout and shower then go for it! But I think sometimes unrealistic expectations keep us from the benefits of setting and keeping realistic ones, especially when it comes to spiritual things.

“Any amount of time you spend reading God’s word is better than not reading it at all.”

~ Hannah Lu Butler*

Now of course this doesn’t mean God only expects you to do the bare minimum. But I do think sometimes distractions, discouragement with my failures, perceiving that I don’t have enough time to really get anything out of it, etc. keeps me from even trying sometimes.

2. Abide throughout the day

Like I said earlier, before I had kids, devotions looked basically the same every day. I would try sit down first thing in the morning with my Bible and notebook for x amount of uninterrupted time. After I had kids I had a hard time shifting my mindset away from the structure I had always followed.

This can be such a roadblock to experiencing the incredible spiritual growth that can actually occur in this season of motherhood. Having to be creative and spread your time with the Lord throughout the day can actually enhance your walk with Him as you abide in Him all day long rather then just for a set period in the morning (a real temptation with having a set time for devotions). However, you do have to get creative. Over the past couple years, I’ve experienced the blessing of a variety of resources.

3. Use a variety of resources (audio, journaling, etc.)

I use the Blue Letter Bible app and listen to the NLT version. I have a pair of wireless headphones that I’ll put in. Sometimes this works when the kids are up, but usually it works better when they’re having quiet time or nap time and I’m working away at my to do list. Or I’ll listen as I do dishes in the evenings. This works for podcasts too, but I do strongly believe that if you have to choose between reading the Word and a podcast it should always be the Word that comes first.

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I also use this journaling Bible and prayer journal that I got off amazon. I used to really like just having a blank notebook, but now because I often get interrupted I like having something more structured so it’s easy to remember where I left off. I also have a separate prayer list that I refer back to (there’s a spot for this in the prayer journal). I love these mechanical pencils for being able to keep my notes neat, as I’m able to erase if I make a mistake in either my Bible or notebook.

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I bought some pretty sticky notes a few months ago to write down the verse that really stands out to me, or a verse from a passage that I’d like to memorize. Then I stick them above my kitchen sink to look at as I go about my day. Sometimes I have to pray that God would remind me to look at them because I get so used to them being there that I forget to look at them!

4. Read (or listen to) a page of a good book every day

There are a few books that have been invaluable to me over the past few years. I’ve read them alongside my devotions, and other times they’ve been the lifeline that has daily realigned my mindset to think more like Christ. On the days where I just don’t get to my devotions (for sinful reasons just as much as anything else!), sometimes reading a page or two out of these books before bed or right when I wake up the next day is enough to get my priorities back in order.

I think the big thing that I love about these books is the beautiful balance of discipline in motherhood mixed with grace for the inevitable challenges that make it hard to be the mom we all want to be. I can’t recommend these reads enough! There are also audio versions that I’ve listened to on my local library app (hoopla).

M is for Mama offers advice, encouragement, and scripturally sound strategies seasoned with a little bit of humor to help you embrace the challenge of biblical motherhood and raise your children with love and wisdom.”

“Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler help you understand and apply the gospel to common issues moms face so you can connect your Sunday morning faith to the Monday morning tantrum.”

“…a guide to spiritual maturity and an opportunity to embrace God’s plan for you as a woman, a wife, a mentor, and a mother. In this book of instruction for women of all ages, Carolyn Mahaney explores seven virtues from Titus 2 that have transformed her life and the lives of countless other women. Learn how to live with true feminine appeal and become a woman who lives for God and helps others to do the same.”

Finding Joy and Fulfillment in All God Has Called You To Do. OverwhelmedMiserableExhausted. These are the words that women often use to describe their busy lifestyles. How can you keep up with all the demands of work, family, and ministry? Carolyn Mahaney and her three daughters offer biblical hope to women who truly desire to glorify God with their time. These authors present five key practices to help you see that you really can do all that God has called you to do— finding joy, peace, and rest in the One who has designed every season of your life.”

Thank you for reading this far!

If you’ve made it this far I hope my thoughts resonated with you. Thank you for joining me in seizing the opportunity to daily choose joy, gratitude, and contentment in this season. If you’re visiting from Pinterest I hope you’ll save this post and follow me.

For more detailed tips on thriving in this season in motherhood, check out my blog posts on realistic morning routine tips for busy moms and how to enjoy the little years.

And I’d love to hear from you what you thought of this post, and if you have any more tips you’d share about being intentional to grow spiritually during the season of motherhood.

Be sure to check out my blog and subscribe to my email list to follow along as I learn and share more realistic tips on my journey to a simpler, from-scratch lifestyle that actually makes sense for busy moms, saving you time and money along the way!

*Butler, Hannah Lu, 4 April 2024. @hannahlubutler, accessed via Instagram 18 April 2024, <>

Images courtesy of

Beige Professional Pinterest Pin. Image source: Andrea Hansson on, 18 April, 2024. Accessed via

Beige Simple How to Order Your Story. Image source: Kanyaah Studio on, 27 April, 2024. Accessed via:

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